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USADA disputes Conor McGregor's claims that meeting set, UFC return only requires two clean tests

The world of mixed martial arts is no stranger to controversy, and the latest chapter in the ongoing saga of Conor McGregor's return to the Octagon is no exception.

McGregor, one of the biggest stars in the history of the sport, recently announced his intention to return to competition after a long layoff due to injury. However, his claims that a meeting with the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) and two clean drug tests are all that stand between him and a return to the UFC have been disputed by USADA officials.

“I’m not rushing nothing,” McGregor said on “The MMA Hour.” “There’s hurdles and whatnot. But we’re in contact. We’re in constant communication, and there’s an interview scheduled, and a meeting (that will) happen, and then it will be official. But the six months thing, what they had said was two clean tests, and off I go. So, I assume it won’t be too long.”

But, USADA has a different concept regarding how two clean tests should take place, and it involves returning to the testing pool for a six-month run. That regulation was established in collaboration with the UFC, but it comes with a disclaimer stating that the UFC may disregard the six-month testing requirement in rare instances.

If Conor is being truthful, he might just need two clean tests before he can go back. This would imply that perhaps the UFC is granting him whatever sort of waiver, which Dana White has previously been blamed for helping individuals like Brock Lesnar.

The Irishman's return to competitive action is the ultimate objective. Nonetheless, the concerns about his USADA and qualification won't vanish by themselves. Since Conor McGregor's remarks, USADA emphasized that six months of screening is necessary according to their statement concerning McGregor.

"While we meet with all athletes who enter or re-enter the testing pool, we do not currently have a meeting set with Conor and, as of today, we have not received notice of his coming out of retirement to compete... In addition to two negative tests, an athlete must make themself available for testing for six months before returning to competition. This is a fair way to ensure an athlete does not use the retirement status to gain an unfair advantage... Conor should be in the testing pool for the full six-month period."

Although McGregor's comments about joining the UFC again and entering a mandatory testing program may have been a little questionable, it nonetheless shows how anxious he is really to come back to the octagon and engage at the pinnacle of success.

Notwithstanding all he claims, McGregor continues to not be part of USADA's testing pool as of right now, and it appears that he will require six months of tests.


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