In an unexpected turn of events that has captured the attention of combat sports enthusiasts, retired UFC star Tyson Pedro has announced his venture into the world of professional boxing, joining forces with Australian boxing legend Danny Green. This announcement, made at a press conference in Sydney, marks a new chapter in Pedro's combat sports career, following a shock retirement from mixed martial arts.
Pedro, at the age of 32, steps away from an MMA career that saw him secure a record of 10-5, including a memorable knockout victory at UFC 293 in Sydney in 2023. His transition to boxing isn't a step into the unknown but rather a return to his roots. With an amateur boxing record of 5-0, Pedro has always harbored a passion for the sport, envisioning himself as a boxing world champion.
Joining Danny Green's stable places Pedro in esteemed company, with Green himself being a part of the nation's top three highest-grossing pay-per-views. Green's confidence in Pedro's ability to make a significant impact in boxing underscores the potential seen in Pedro's power, skill, and relentless fighting spirit. This transition promises to bring the same intensity Pedro displayed in the Octagon to the squared circle.
The endorsement from Johnny Lewis, a revered figure in boxing, emphasizes the long-held belief in Pedro's suitability for boxing. As Pedro embarks on this new journey, the boxing community eagerly anticipates the impact of his debut. With the backing of such prominent figures in Australian boxing, Pedro's transition is not merely a shift in sports but a declaration of his intent to dominate and make waves in the boxing world.
Tyson Pedro's transition from the UFC to professional boxing under the guidance of Danny Green is a bold move that reflects the fluid nature of combat sports careers. With his background and the support of notable personalities, Pedro is poised to be a significant addition to the boxing scene.