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The Best Supplements For Grapplers with Registered Dietitian Stephanie Small

stephanie small
stephanie small

For grapplers, such as wrestlers and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) practitioners, optimal performance depends on strength, endurance, and rapid recovery. Intense training sessions and competitions place unique physical demands on their bodies, often requiring additional nutritional support to maintain peak condition. In this interview with registered dietitian Stephanie Small - we’ll explore the most beneficial supplements for grapplers, how they enhance performance, how they improve recovery, and key considerations for joint health. Whether you're looking to improve your muscle endurance, manage inflammation, or recover faster, understanding the right supplements can give you a competitive edge. Stephanie Small and Fight.TV break it down!

1. What are some of the most beneficial supplements for grapplers, such as

wrestlers and BJJ practitioners?

Grapplers, like wrestlers and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ)

practitioners, require strength, endurance, and rapid recovery due to the high-intensity,

full-body nature of their sport. Some of the most beneficial supplements for grapplers

include the following

Creatine: This is one of the most well-researched supplements and is known to

improve strength, power, and muscle endurance—key factors for success in

grappling sports. It helps to increase ATP production, which is essential for quick,

explosive movements during matches. You want to aim for 5g of creatine per day

and timing of intake does not matter since it is a nutrient that is reliant of storage

amount rather than how much is in the blood stream.

Protein Powder: A fast-digesting protein, such as whey or plant-based

alternatives, can help repair and build muscle tissue after tough grappling

sessions. Protein is essential for maintaining lean muscle mass and speeding up


Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Known for their anti-inflammatory properties, omega-3s

can reduce joint stiffness and soreness, which are common issues for grapplers

who experience frequent physical contact and pressure on their joints. You want

to find an omega-3 supplement that has 1000-2000mg of EPA+DHA

Electrolytes: Grapplers often sweat heavily during training, which can lead to

electrolyte imbalances. An electrolyte supplement can help maintain hydration,

prevent cramping, and support endurance.

Magnesium: Magnesium is important for muscle function and recovery, and

fighters often deplete magnesium stores through sweat. Deficiency can lead to

cramping, fatigue, and impaired recovery. Magnesium-rich foods include leafy

greens, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, but a magnesium supplement may also

be beneficial. You want to aim for a magnesium glycinate or bisglycinate of ~200-

300mg taken about 30min – 1hr before bed.

Beta-Alanine: This supplement can improve muscular endurance by buffering

lactic acid buildup, helping grapplers perform at a high intensity for longer

periods. You want to aim for 2-2.5mg of beta-alanine daily, 30 min before training.

2. How can supplements improve recovery and performance for athletes in grappling

sports? Supplements can play a critical role in improving both recovery and

performance for grappling athletes by addressing specific needs:

Enhanced Muscle Recovery: Supplements like protein powders and BCAAs

provide the necessary amino acids for muscle repair and growth. After intense

grappling sessions, these supplements help reduce muscle soreness, prevent

breakdown, and promote faster recovery, allowing athletes to train more

consistently without overtraining.

Increased Strength and Power: Creatine and beta-alanine improve strength

and muscular endurance, allowing grapplers to perform explosive movements

like takedowns or submission holds. Creatine increases ATP availability, which is

critical for quick bursts of power, while beta-alanine helps sustain performance

during extended grappling exchanges.

Inflammation Reduction: Omega-3s and magnesium help reduce inflammation

and muscle stiffness. Given the joint pressure and frequent physical contact in

grappling sports, reducing inflammation is key to keeping athletes pain-free and


Hydration and Electrolyte Balance: Proper hydration is crucial for performance,

and supplements like electrolyte drinks or powders help maintain the balance of

sodium, potassium, and other electrolytes lost during sweating. This ensures

optimal muscle function and endurance while preventing dehydration and


Using these supplements in combination with a well-balanced diet and proper training

can help grapplers optimize their performance, recover faster, and avoid common issues

like fatigue, soreness, and joint pain.

3. How effective is Glucosamine Chondroitin for grapplers in terms of joint health,

particularly for the high-stress movements involved in wrestling and jiu-jitsu?

Glucosamine and chondroitin are recognized for their potential benefits in supporting

joint health, which is especially important for grapplers. In sports like wrestling and

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, athletes place significant stress on their joints due to constant

pressure, bending, and twisting during grappling moves and submissions. Glucosamine

helps to maintain healthy cartilage by promoting the production of glycosaminoglycans,

which are essential building blocks of joint cartilage.

Chondroitin works by preventing

cartilage breakdown and improving its elasticity. Together, these supplements may help

reduce joint pain, improve mobility, and slow down the progression of osteoarthritis.

Studies show mixed results in terms of significant joint improvement, many grapplers

report subjective benefits, including reduced pain and enhanced joint flexibility after

consistent use. We find that omega-3 supplements provide better support for joint


4. Are there any risks or downsides to long-term use of Glucosamine Chondroitin for


Glucosamine and chondroitin are generally considered safe for long-term

use, but there are a few potential downsides to keep in mind:

Digestive issues: Some people experience mild side effects like nausea,

diarrhea, or stomach discomfort when taking glucosamine chondroitin

supplements, especially in higher doses.

Allergic reactions: Glucosamine is often derived from shellfish, so individuals

with shellfish allergies should be cautious and seek alternative forms of the


Drug interactions: In rare cases, glucosamine chondroitin may interact with

medications such as blood thinners, so grapplers taking such medications should

consult with a healthcare provider before starting the supplement.

5. Would you recommend Glucosamine Chondroitin for athletes who are already

experiencing joint issues, or is it better as a preventative supplement?

Glucosamine chondroitin can be beneficial both as a preventative supplement and for

athletes already experiencing joint issues, particularly for grapplers who are prone to

joint stress and injuries. However, there are other supplements and dietary strategies I

would prioritize Fish Oil.

6. What role does Fish Oil play for grapplers, and how important is it for recovery?

Fish oil, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), plays a critical role in

reducing inflammation, promoting joint health, and supporting overall recovery for

grapplers. Additionally, omega-3s support heart health and cognitive function, both of

which are important for maintaining stamina and focus during training and competition.

7. How much Fish Oil should grapplers be taking daily to see the benefits for

recovery and overall health?

To see the benefits for recovery, grapplers should aim for

a daily dose of 1000-2000 miligrams of combined EPA and DHA from fish oil. This

dosage range has been shown to effectively reduce inflammation and support muscle

recovery. It's important to check the supplement label for the amount of EPA and DHA

per serving, as not all fish oil supplements are created equal in their omega-3 content.

Higher doses (around 3000 milligrams per day) may be recommended for grapplers

dealing with more chronic inflammation or joint issues, but it's always a good idea to

consult with a healthcare professional before taking large amounts for extended periods.

For general health and recovery benefits, 1000-2000 milligrams of EPA and DHA daily is

a typical starting point.

8. Are there any vegan or plant-based alternatives to Fish Oil that offer the same


Yes, there are plant-based alternatives to fish oil that can provide the same

omega-3 fatty acid benefits. The most effective vegan or plant-based option is algal oil,

which is derived from algae. Algal oil contains both EPA and DHA, the two key omega-

3s found in fish oil, making it an excellent alternative for those following a vegan or plant-

based diet.


9. Creatine is often associated with strength and bodybuilding, but how can

grapplers benefit from using Creatine?

While creatine is commonly linked to strength and bodybuilding, it can also be highly

beneficial for grapplers. Grappling sports like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and wrestling require a

combination of explosive strength, endurance, and sustained effort during prolonged

bouts. Creatine supports explosive movements like takedowns, submissions, and

scrambling by increasing the body’s phosphocreatine stores, which provide rapid energy

(ATP) for short bursts of high-intensity activity. For grapplers, this means improved

power during critical moments in a match. Additionally, creatine helps with muscle

recovery and maintaining lean mass during intense training phases.

10. Does Creatine improve endurance and recovery for grappling athletes, or is it

more focused on explosive strength?

While creatine is primarily known for enhancing explosive strength and power, it also

indirectly supports endurance and recovery.

11. Are there any misconceptions about Creatine that grapplers should be aware of?

Yes, several misconceptions about creatine persist, and grapplers should be aware of

the following:

Creatine causes water retention or bloating: While creatine can lead to some

initial water retention in the muscles, this is not the bloating commonly associated

with fat gain or subcutaneous water. In fact, the increased water retention in muscle

cells can contribute to better hydration and enhanced performance during intense

physical activity.

Creatine is only for bodybuilders: While creatine is popular in bodybuilding for its

muscle-building benefits, it’s just as useful for any athlete requiring explosive

strength, endurance, and fast recovery—making it perfectly suited for grapplers.

Creatine must be cycled: There’s no scientific evidence that you need to cycle on

and off creatine. Many athletes take it continuously, as its benefits are cumulative

over time. However, if a grappler is going through a weight cut or adjusting their

nutrition plan, they might choose to temporarily reduce or stop creatine use to avoid

any minor water weight gain.

Creatine damages kidneys: In healthy individuals, creatine does not cause kidney

damage. This myth often arises from misunderstandings about creatinine levels (a

waste product from creatine metabolism) in the blood. However, unless an individual

has pre-existing kidney issues, creatine is safe for long-term use.

Creatine is one of the safest, most researched supplements available, and grapplers can

significantly benefit from its strength, endurance, and recovery advantages without the

concerns linked to common myths.

12. Are there any lesser-known supplements that are beneficial specifically for

grapplers or combat sports athletes that might not get as much attention?

Tart Cherry Extract: This supplement is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory

and antioxidant properties. It can help reduce muscle soreness, enhance recovery,

and improve sleep quality, all of which are crucial for grapplers dealing with the high

physical demands of training.

Curcumin (from Turmeric): This natural compound has been studied for its anti-

inflammatory effects and potential to reduce joint pain. It's particularly useful for

grapplers who experience chronic joint inflammation from frequent training.

Citrulline Malate: Known for improving blood flow and reducing muscle fatigue,

citrulline malate can enhance endurance during grappling sessions, helping athletes

push through longer and more intense bouts without feeling as fatigued.

13. What is your opinion on supplements like Turmeric or Ginger for grapplers?

Both turmeric and ginger are excellent natural supplements for grapplers, especially when it

comes to reducing inflammation and aiding recovery:

Curcumin (from Turmeric): This natural compound has been studied for its anti-

inflammatory effects and potential to reduce joint pain. It's particularly useful for

grapplers who experience chronic joint inflammation from frequent training.

Ginger: Ginger can help with both inflammation and digestion. Its anti-

inflammatory properties make it useful for reducing muscle soreness, while its

ability to support digestion can be helpful for grapplers managing weight or eating

large meals before training.

Both supplements are safe for long-term use and can be a valuable addition to a

grappler’s recovery plan. I would highly recommend consuming these from whole food

sources or add them to your cooking routine.

14. Are there any herbs or natural supplements that can support grappling

performance and recovery?

Ashwagandha: Known for its ability to reduce stress and improve endurance,

ashwagandha can help grapplers maintain mental focus and physical energy,

especially during prolonged training camps or competitions.

Rhodiola Rosea: This adaptogen helps combat fatigue and improve mental and

physical stamina, making it ideal for grapplers who need sustained energy for

training and matches.

Boswellia: Another anti-inflammatory herb, Boswellia is often used to support joint

health and reduce inflammation, similar to turmeric but with a slightly different


These supplements are secondary or even tertiary to dietary intake and primarily

recommended supplements

15. What role do hydration and electrolyte supplements play in maintaining

performance, especially during long grappling sessions or competitions?

Hydration and electrolyte balance are critical for grapplers, as dehydration can lead to

decreased performance, impaired cognitive function, and increased risk of muscle

cramps or injury. Electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium) help maintain proper

muscle function and prevent dehydration-related fatigue. During long grappling sessions

or competitions, electrolyte supplements or drinks can help replenish what is lost through

sweat, keeping athletes hydrated and energized.

16. How important is protein supplementation for grapplers, and should they focus on

specific types of protein (e.g., whey, casein, or plant-based)?

Protein supplementation is important for grapplers to support muscle recovery and repair. The

type of protein depends on individual needs:

Whey Protein: Ideal for post-training because it is fast-digesting, quickly supplying

muscles with the amino acids needed for repair.

Casein Protein: A slow-digesting protein, casein is ideal for nighttime recovery,

providing a steady supply of amino acids throughout sleep.

Plant-Based Protein: For vegan or plant-based grapplers, a blend of plant proteins

(e.g., pea, rice) can provide a complete amino acid profile. It’s also a good option for

those with dairy sensitivities.

17. What are the best pre- and post-training supplements or foods for grapplers to

maximize their performance and recovery?


Carbohydrates: Fast-digesting carbs like fruit or rice cakes provide quick energy.

Caffeine: Caffeine can enhance focus and endurance during training.

Beta-Alanine: Helps buffer lactic acid buildup, allowing for sustained high-

intensity efforts.


Whey Protein: Supports muscle recovery with fast-digesting amino acids.

Carbohydrates: Replenishes glycogen stores, with options like sweet potatoes,

rice, or a banana.

Creatine: Supports muscle recovery and replenishes ATP stores.

18. How does gut health impact a grappler’s performance, and are probiotics a

necessary supplement?

Gut health plays a significant role in a grappler’s overall health, affecting nutrient absorption, energy levels, immune function, and even mental focus. An unhealthy gut can lead to bloating, fatigue, and compromised recovery. Fiber intake is going to more effect overall gut health rather than using probiotics. If adequate fiber can not be attained from the diet alone, then fiber supplementation may be required.

19. Are there any supplements or nutritional factors that can help grapplers prevent

muscle cramps or enhance flexibility?

Muscle cramps are more directly related to training volume and intensity rather than hydration. We do recommend adequate hydration, but if an athlete is cramping regularly, we are likely to also address the training intensity.

20. How should grapplers determine which supplements are right for them based on

their training intensity and goals?

Grapplers should choose supplements based on several factors, including the intensity and duration of their training, their specific performance goals, and any individual dietary needs. Here are a few key steps to help determine the right supplements:

1. Assess performance goals

2. Evaluate training intensity and duration

3. Consider individual dietary needs

4. Consult a professional

21. What should grapplers consider when choosing supplements to ensure safety

and effectiveness?

When selecting supplements, grapplers should consider several important factors to ensure they are safe and effective:

Quality and purity: Look for supplements from reputable brands that undergo third-

party testing (e.g., NSF Certified for Sport, Informed-Choice) to verify the purity and

safety of the product. This ensures that the supplement is free from banned

substances and contaminants.

Evidence-based benefits: Grapplers should focus on supplements that have strong

scientific backing.

Dosage: Follow recommended dosages based on research and the product label.

Taking too much of a supplement can lead to adverse effects, while taking too little

may not provide any benefit.

Allergies or dietary restrictions: Make sure to check the ingredient list for allergens

or components that could interfere with dietary restrictions (e.g., dairy, gluten, or


Timing: Some supplements are most effective when taken at specific times.

Avoiding banned substances: If competing in regulated events, check that any

supplements do not contain banned substances as outlined by organizations like

WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency).

22. Are there any supplements that grapplers should avoid due to potential negative

side effects or interactions with their diet?

While many supplements are safe when used properly, some can have negative side effects or interact with a grapplers diet or medication. Here are a few supplements that should be approached with caution:

Stimulants: Supplements containing high doses of caffeine or other stimulants can

cause jitteriness, increased heart rate, dehydration, and negatively impact focus

during grappling sessions. In large amounts, they may also interfere with sleep and


Fat burners: Many fat-burning supplements contain thermogenic compounds or

stimulants that may raise heart rate, increase anxiety, and dehydrate

grapplers—factors that can impair performance, especially in a weight-cutting phase.

Pre-workouts with proprietary blends: Some pre-workout supplements include proprietary blends, which do not disclose exact ingredient amounts. These blends can contain unsafe levels of stimulants or unproven compounds, making it hard to assess their safety.

High-dose vitamin and mineral supplements: Overconsumption of certain

vitamins and minerals (e.g., iron, vitamin A) can lead to toxicity, especially if

grapplers are already getting enough from food sources. It’s best to only supplement

when necessary and under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Herbal supplements: While herbs like ginseng and green tea extract may have

health benefits, some herbal supplements can interact with medications or cause

unintended side effects like digestive discomfort or increased heart rate.

Fight.TV and Registered Dietitian Stephanie Small Break Down Supplements For Grapplers

In the physically demanding world of grappling sports, supplements for grapplers can play a crucial role in supporting performance, recovery, and overall well-being. From creatine for explosive power to omega-3s for reducing joint inflammation, grapplers have a variety of options to enhance their training. When combined with a balanced diet and proper training regimen, these supplements can help athletes train harder, recover faster, and stay in top shape throughout their grappling careers. Ultimately, the key to maximizing results lies in choosing the right supplements for your specific needs and goals. To learn more keep reading with Fight.TV and setup a time to talk with Stephanie Small


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