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Oktagon MMA Breaks Ground: Embraces Open Scoring for Enhanced Fight Experience

In the world of MMA, change is often met with mixed reactions. However, Oktagon MMA is set to redefine the fight experience by introducing open scoring for all matches, marking a significant shift in how bouts will be evaluated and perceived.

The announcement made by the European promotion on Wednesday created ripples of anticipation among fans and fighters alike. This revolutionary move is set to debut at Oktagon 51, a highly anticipated event slated to commence from Prague's esteemed O2 Arena.

Open scoring entails revealing the judges' scores after each round, not only to the fighters and their coaches but also to the spectators both in attendance and those tuning in remotely. This transparency aims to provide a clear picture of the fight's trajectory, preventing any ambiguity about where each fighter stands in the eyes of the judges.

For years, athletes have clamored for this system, yearning for insights into their performance mid-bout, especially in closely contested matches where a single round might tip the scales. Conversely, critics argue that this transparency might encourage fighters in a dominant position to coast in the latter rounds to secure a victory, knowing they have a comfortable lead.

Oktagon MMA's decision to implement open scoring reflects a bold step toward enhancing fairness and transparency in MMA. While Invicta FC in the United States has adopted a similar practice, it remains a rarity in the realm of combat sports, often requiring approval from state athletic commissions.

The upcoming Oktagon 51 event, headlined by UFC veterans Bojan Veličković and Andreas Michailidis, promises not only high-octane action but also the groundbreaking debut of open scoring. The stakes are high, with the victor of the welterweight tournament walking away with a hefty €300,000 payday.

As Oktagon MMA boldly pioneers this change, the eyes of the MMA world are firmly fixed on Prague, eagerly anticipating how this shift will influence the sport's future dynamics. The era of open scoring in MMA has dawned, ushering in a new chapter of transparency and engagement for fighters and fans alike.


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